As I mentioned in the last message the Father is drawing us to His presence for at least three reasons:

To know who we really are in Him

To know who He really is in all His majesty

To know our real purpose

As I also mentioned in the last message, this is the season of the the Father's positioning and repositioning. He is maneuvering us to where He intended for us to be before the foundation of the world i.e. our purpose. We can see this in the life of Paul. In Acts. 23 v. 11, Jesus said to Paul that He was sending him to Rome. He was starting the positioning process. Paul was arrested and brought before various rulers. He was put on a ship to Rome. The enemy paid his way to Rome, where God wanted him to be all along. God was using the authorities to position Paul where he needed to be. You will find that God will be closing doors that you may want to walk through and opening doors that He wants you to go through. This is His positioning process. Just let him have His way. Actually Paul’s positioning really started when He was on his way to Damascus and God knocked him off his horse. He was on his way to Damascus to kill some more Christians but was knocked off his horse, blinded and positioned to a place called Straight. He was going in one direction but God surely changed that. I’m sure many were praying for Paul before he got converted. This is a lesson for many of us. When God wants to move on someone, nothing or nobody can stop Him. God will surely knock them off their "horse", like He did to you and me. We just need to continue to pray for that person and wait for God’s perfect timing, no matter how long it takes. When I was preaching in Jamaica, God gave me a word of knowledge and a man came forward. He received this word of knowledge and also received Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I was wondering why people were cheering so long and loud when he walked to the front of the platform. They all knew him to be a "hard person"for Jesus to save. He was a drug dealer! They were believing for this drug dealer for a long time and that particular day he got saved. Again, the positioning process started for Paul in a place called Straight, after He was knocked off his horse. Here his blind eyes were opened and he was converted to Jesus. As Paul was put on the ship to go to Rome and a tempestuous storm arose, it probably looked to Paul that God made a mistake (Acts 27 v.14.) God sent an angel to encourage Paul, as the ship was sinking. Paul then strengthened the others on the ship and they threw things overboard, in order to lighten the ship. Maybe, as God is positioning you, He may ask you to remove some people or situations out of your life. If you don’t, He will! They also cut off their life boats, so there was no way of escape. Paul had told them to abide in the ship, in order to escape the storm. We need to abide in His positioning process, no matter how strange this process may seem. It could be dangerous to rebel against God, as He positions you. On the ship, Paul believed the word that the angel repeated to him from God, that he had to go to Rome. He knew that somehow God was going to get him to Rome. They made it safely to an island called Melita. There, Paul reached down to the fire and a snake bit him, but Paul just shook it off, with no hurt. Do you see how protected you are when you abide in the center of His will in the positioning process? This is the safest place to be, no matter how much your flesh may rebel and want to escape. God got Paul to Rome and he dwelt in his own hired house, with all confidence and no one forbidding him (Acts. 28 v. 31) Just let go and let God be God.

The reason that He is positioning or repositioning us is to get us to our battle stations, our assignments. All of our lives have been preparation for this last great spiritual battle that is about to take place. It doesn’t matter how many years we seemed to have wasted, God has got it all timed out. Whatever you and I have been through, He is making sure that His warriors arrive at their battle stations, at this time. You may feel that you are late, but No! You and I are right on time. You may say that you made so many mistakes and "how could God ever use me?" What He started in your life, He will finish! (Phil.1 v. 6) Look at the way that Paul fought against Jesus by killing some of His followers. God still used him mightily, because He had a purpose for him. It didn’t matter what Paul had done up to that point. God had plans for him and nobody could stop them, but Paul. Paul arrived at his battle station or position and ministered and fought and ministered and fought, until he was called home. We can also arrive at a point where even our mistakes will seem like they were His plan for us all along. An example of this is in Joshua 8, where Israel was going to battle against the town of Ai. The first time that Israel had attacked them they had sin in their camp and had not consulted God. They ran away from the men at Ai, in embarrassment. They finally got the sin out of their camp and now included God in their plans. God gave them a plan to attack Ai and run away from the men of Ai, as before. But this time, God said to put men behind Ai and when the men of Ai came out, their men would burn the city and come behind the men of Ai. They then would have them "sandwiched." This is exactly what happened! God spoke to my heart that as the men of Ai saw that they were in a trap, they believed that the first time that the men of Israel ran away was a trick too! We know the truth, that the Israelites were cowardly, the first time. But when God is for us, he makes our mistakes to look like they were all part of His plan and in reality, they actually were! All of our mistakes were part of His training for us! You see that all the time that we were sinning and carrying on, God knew our end, i.e. how we would wind up. He calls those things that are not, as though they are. (Romans 4 v. 17) So, let go of the past and let God position you where He wants you to be, both spiritually and in the natural. He’ll get the glory out of our lives when we and others see how far He has brought us!

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